Saturday, October 27, 2007


skimmed through the wiliam j. mitchell i got from the library to see if it offered any i could use. did not know what i was looking for, yet thought something might jump out at me. part of this effort is to be current, "of my time" as an artist. for me it makes sense to look at our "now" from the eyes/perspective of many. this book seemed to be an educated speculation of what's ahead & maybe offer some sort of tibit that could translate to image. i feel that even when i do not find anything that my efforts toward active awareness will manifest somehow. as for the art i am doing now i do not think anything is manifesting, yet may in the future. think it is the kind of a process of gathering and simmering for a time & at some point in the future it will hit. tends to happen this way for me with problem solving in general.

some of the forecasts:

  • reduction of major cities & de-isolation of rural areas due to technology
  • "wear ware" clothing/like or "body nets" that monitors health & personal data/id/remote communication
  • buildings with "nervous systems"
  • smart appiliances & sim stuff one would expect
  • to me it reflected sci-fi forcasts>>> the whole "big brother" homgenized/beehive vision
wonder what the repercussions will be. the biological & social changes have been evident for a while, yet animals that we are we can only adapt at a reasonable rate. brain changes that show up in scans during watching tv, computer usage, electronic games have change the neurological connections/mapping/usage of our brains. this effects information process & lft/rt hemisphere dominance which affects skills, perception, communication and reduces some of the gender differences that had formed via functions. an example of this is typing. the physical process of doing so modifies the brain to balance hemisphere dominance to some extent through the mechanical process of using both hands (as does piano & such), typing was for secretaries, a woman's job, yet the computer has changed this as the male population now use keyboards often. not only do these changes show up in scan, but in brain autopsies as well. it is evolution.

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