Monday, August 20, 2007

3d software landscape generator (bryce 5.5)

have been re-acquainting myself with the bryce software. it is rendering a lot quicker since bryce 3 & 4. took only 8 hrs to do what use to take 3 days.
in a 3d landscape generator one can play god =
create worlds, skies, atmospheres, clouds,
moons, water, plants et al...

i'm am looking to create one to composite with other digital images.

theme i have been playing with:

figure & landscape >>>work'n it both ways.

  • generating landscapes use bw alpha channels created in photoshop & imported into bryce = they become part of the underlying structure (like rolling hills or mountains). visualize a blanket over a figure on their side - that is what my last render gave the feeling of.

  • the other thing i will try next is to project landscape on a body in 3d or as an adj layer in photoshop.
  • also working on/sketching out an idea of a face (straight on view) composite that is 1/2 man & woman with each gender section an alternation between age & ethnicity(sort as verticle stripes). at the moment i am working with 4x4 (16) hardboard panels. this digital face is to be underlying as each panel will also be a gestural landscape that retains the feature identities (for the most part)
will post the renderings in the next few days


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